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Crowd Cheering

Get Involved

You Can Make a Difference

Make A True Change

Our organization always appreciates the generosity and involvement of people like you, with every contribution going towards making Restored Generation an even better Non-Profit Organization (501c3 approved) than it already is. We want to provide you with the correct and appropriate information pertaining to your mode of support, so don’t hesitate to contact us with your questions.

Want to register your child for Summer Youth Camp? Register your child before June 21, 2024.  It’s a great way for your child to spend the summer with youth from 5-13 year old, and youth counselors from 14-17 year old.  Get in touch with us today for more details about the registration process and financial payments.

Volunteer Your Time

Show Your Support

Want to join our efforts but not sure where to start? Volunteer Your Time and take advantage of this incredible opportunity to lend your support. It’s a great way to contribute to our cause, and every little bit counts towards paving the path for a better tomorrow. Get in touch with us today for more details about how you can help.

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